Consent for Photography and Videography of Condition
Consent for Photography and Videography of Condition
Consent and Acknowledgment for Use of Images and Videos Taken During Medical Examination and Treatment at Rainville Foot Health
I hereby acknowledge and consent to taking photographs and/or videos during my medical examination and treatment at Rainville Foot Health. I understand these images and videos are used for my medical care, which includes diagnosis, treatment planning, and consultations with other healthcare professionals involved with your care.
I also agree that these images and videos might be used for educational or training purposes within the medical community, ensuring my personal identity is kept confidential unless I provide explicit permission otherwise. (Rainville Foot Health is a teaching facility that hosts NOSM and Chiropody Students)
I have been fully informed about the purpose and process of taking these images and videos and have had the chance to ask any questions. By signing below, I give my consent to the use of my pictures and videos as described above.
I acknowledge and agree to adhere to the Pic In Chart Policy. I understand that should I not accept this policy, the practice reserves the right to reassess my eligibility for care. You will be asked to physically sign this form before your appointment.